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Berghaus Stafelalp

Stafelalp/Staflerstr. 11 A, 7276 Davos Frauenkirch

The StafelAlp was founded by Walsers about 500 years ago. The house is over 250 years old and was established as an inn in 1936. As in the past, cooking is still done on a wood cooker. Nevertheless, some modernisation has taken place. Solar cells generate the electricity for the light in all rooms.

The StafelAlp is 1894 metres above sea level in Davos Frauenkirch.

The Berghaus is open daily from 10 am to 5 pm.
For dinners or special events, we are also available at other times by prior arrangement.

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Please note: we respond to your questions during opening hours of the tourist office .

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