Sunshine: 6.4h
On Thursday sunny and almost any clouds. Early in the morning -10 deg, Maximum temperatures around 1 degrees. At 2000 meters 1 deg C.
Sunshine: 5h
On Friday cloudless. Early in the morning -8 deg, daytime temperatures up to 2 degrees. At 2000 m 2 deg C.
Sunshine: 3h
On Saturday sunny intervals. Early in the morning -7 deg, Maximum temperatures around 0 degrees. At 2000 m -1 deg C.
Sunshine: 1.9h
Sunday morning friendly with cloud fields. In the afternoon sunny periods. Early in the morning -6 deg, Maximum temperature -2 degrees. At 2000 meters -3 deg C.
Sunshine: 4.3h
On Monday sunny. Minimum temperature -7 deg, Maximum temperature 1 degrees.
Sunshine: 4.7h
Sunshine: 6.2h
Sunshine: 4.8h
Sunshine: 2.3h
Sunshine: 1.9h
Sunshine: 4.3h
Sunshine: 6.1h
Sunshine: 7.6h
Sunshine: 6h
Sunshine: 3.3h
Sunshine: 2.6h
Sunshine: 5.3h
Sunshine: 2.5h
Wednesday morning sunny with cloud fields. In the afternoon sunny. Early in the morning -9 deg, Maximum temperatures around -2 degrees. At 2000 m -1 deg C.
Sunshine: 3.3h
On Thursday plenty of sunshine. Early in the morning -9 deg, Maximum temperature 0 degrees. At 2000 m 1 deg C.
Sunshine: 2.2h
On Friday plenty of sunshine. Minimum temperature -7 deg, daytime temperatures up to 2 degrees. At 2000 m 2 deg C.
Sunshine: 1h
On Saturday besides sunshine also some clouds. Minimum temperature -5 deg, Maximum temperatures around 1 degrees. At 2000 m -1 deg C.
Sunshine: 0.9h
On Sunday changeable with showers of snow. Minimum temperature -4 deg, Maximum temperature -1 degrees. At 2000 meters -3 deg C.
Sunshine: 2.5h
On Monday sunny. Minimum temperature -6 deg, daytime temperatures up to 0 degrees.
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Please note: we respond to your questions during opening hours of the tourist office .
Sunshine: 5h
On Wednesday clear skies. Minimum temperature -10 deg, Maximum temperatures around -1 degrees. At 2000 meters -1 deg C.