
Powder fun far away from the hustle and bustle
Snowshoeing in the Swiss mountains in Davos Klosters

Snowshoeing in a winter wonderland

Do you like hiking and snow? Then you should go snowshoeing. Especially in Davos Klosters, where snowshoeing is still considered an insider tip.

Snowshoe hiking is booming. No wonder: the best way to get to the most untouched parts of the snowy mountains of Davos Klosters is with snowshoes. If you can walk, you can also snowshoe. Simply strap the snowshoes under your winter boots, grab your poles and the adventure in Davos Klosters starts practically from the hotel door - from a summit tour to a leisurely hike on the valley floor.

  • Schneeschuhwandern Davos im Winter in Davos
  • Schneeschuhwandern in Davos Klosters
  • Schneeschuhwandern in Davos Klosters

Marked and secured snowshoe routes

The marked and secured summit tour on the Jakobshorn is particularly popular. It leads past the Stadlersee up to the Rossboden at over 2,600 meters above sea level. Another tip is the alternative snow sports area Pischa for snowshoe hiking. From up here you have a panoramic view of the surrounding mountains and valleys. And on Madrisa, the signposted Zügenhüttli snowshoe trail beckons with a wonderful view of Klosters and a break in the restaurant of the same name.

snowshoe tours in the valley floor

Not only in the mountains, but also in the valley floor, there are varied routes to explore. In Davos, the Wolfgang Trail, the Tinzenblick Trail, the Landwasser Trail and the Wildboden Trail lead through the winter landscape. The tours are between two and five kilometers long. The start and finish points are also easily accessible by public transport. There is also an attractive route in Klosters: the 4-kilometer-long Alpenrösli Trail.

Would you prefer to go with a snowshoe guide?

For anyone who has no knowledge of avalanches and snow but still wants to go high, we recommend a guide. This will lead guests safely away from the marked paths through snow-covered forests and untouched winter landscapes. Snowshoe hikes under a full moon are a special nature experience - best combined with a typical Graubünden dinner in a mountain hut.

6 tips for Snowshoeing in Davos Klosters

  • 01

    Dare the summit tour on the Jakobshorn

    Schneeschuhwandern Schneeschuhwanderer im Winter in Davos

    This marked and secured snowshoe tour leads from the Jakobshorn mountain station past the Stadlersee up to the Rossboden at over 2600 meters above sea level. The round trip takes around three hours. The two sections of the Jakobshorn cable car take you comfortably to the starting point - and back to the valley. Tip: After the tour, treat yourself to a drink on the sun terrace of the Sun Peak Restaurant.

  • 02

    Do you want to reach new heights? Book a guide!

    Schneeschuhwandern in Davos Klosters

    For anyone who wants to climb high up away from the marked and secured routes without in-depth knowledge of snow and avalanches, we recommend a snowshoe guide. They know the area, can expertly assess the daily changing conditions and adapt the tours to your individual ability. Ideal for beginners with no previous experience.

  • 03

    Join our winter guest program


    Winter hiking in the evening: A guided torchlight hike through the snowy winter landscape in Klosters is one of around 30 experiences in our winter guest program. The program runs from mid-December to early April.

  • 04

    Rent the right equipment

    Schneeschuhwandern in Davos Klosters

    Don't have your own snowshoes, poles or avalanche transceiver? You can rent some from our sports shops in Davos Klosters. And you'll also get expert advice. Because with good equipment, snowshoeing is twice as much fun.

  • 05

    Secured and marked routes in the valley floor

    Schneeschuhwandern in Davos Klosters

    In Davos sind mit dem Wolfgang-, Tinzenblick-, Landwasser- und Wildboden-Trail vier gesicherte und markierte Schneeschuhrouten entstanden. Sie sind zwischen zwei und fünf Kilometern lang. Die Start- und Zielpunkte sind gut mit dem ÖV erreichbar. Ebenfalls in Klosters sind zwei neue Routen hinzugekommen: der 3-Dörfer-Trail und der Alpenrösli-Trail.

  • 06

    Visit Pischa. With snowshoes

    Schneeschuhwandern in Davos Klosters

    Die Pischa-Bahn transportiert bequem hinauf auf 2500 Meter über Meer. Von hier aus startet die Schneeschuhtour hinab über verschneite Hänge und am Schluss durch den verschneiten Arvenwald zurück zur Talstation. Wer es sportlich mag, kann die Route auch bergaufwärts machen. Übrigens, Schneeschuhe können Sie direkt bei der Pischa-Talstation mieten.


Marked snowshoeing routes

Safe and secure snowshoe hiking is possible in Davos Klosters on the following marked routes:

Wildlife rest areas & sanctuaries

Even the unexpected appearance of a winter sports enthusiast can be problematic for wild animals in winter: fleeing costs a lot of energy, which is then not enough to survive. Four simple rules can help.

Lots of fresh snow is a delight for freeriders, winter hikers and snowshoe hikers. For wild animals, however, this means one thing above all: a naked fight for survival. Because what deer, stags, chamois and ibexes normally scratch out of the snow to eat is now under a thick blanket of snow. Wild animals are therefore forced to use their energy sparingly. If they are disturbed and put to flight, their survival is at risk.

Respecting wildlife

  • Respect wildlife rest areas and wildlife sanctuaries
  • Stay on paths and marked routes in the forest
  • Avoid forest edges and snow-free areas
  • Keep dogs on a leash, especially in the forest
Wildruhezonen & Wildschutzgebiete

Guides & rental of rental equipment

For beginners and anyone who has no knowledge of avalanches and snow, we recommend a guide. This will lead guests safely away from the marked paths through untouched winter landscapes.

Schweizer Schneesportschule Davos

Ammann Daniel

Promenade 157, 7260 Davos Dorf

+41 81 416 24 54


spachmann's AHA-ERLEBNISSE

Spachmann Doris

Guggerbachstrasse 1, 7270 Davos Platz

+41 81 413 58 66


Swiss Ski + Snowboard School Klosters

Gerig Lukas

Bahnhofstrasse 4, 7250 Klosters

+41 81 410 28 28


InandOut Sport und Events GmbH

Schocher Anja

Chilchstsrasse 3, 7276 Davos Frauenkirch

+41 81 413 08 88


Ganzheitliche Naturerlebnisse

Turner Gudrun

Winkelstr. 20, 7247 Saas

+41 81 332 10 96


Ride and Smile

Vögel Manuel

Gäuggeliweg 43, 7250 Klosters

+41 81 543 10 87

Snowshoe hiking trial session Davos

Sport & Adventure

Snowshoe hiking trial session Davos

Time/meeting point Monday, 9 - approx. 11 a.m. / in front of the entrance of Hotel Kessler's Kulm, Prättigauerstrasse 32, 7265 Davos Wolfgang Registration fee With guest card CHF 10.00 per person Equipment Snow sports clothing, sturdy and high winter boots, refreshments (food & beverage) Snowshoes and poles will be provided. Notes Children from 12 years and accompanied by an adult. This offer is provided by InandOut Sport and Events GmbH. Further activities are bookable:...

From CHF 10.-

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