Cross-country skiing in Davos Klosters

Skating, classic, with or without your dog
Cross-country skiing in Davos Klosters

Cross-country skiing on World Cup trails

The world's cross-country skiing elite compete every year at Davos Nordic. You too can go cross-country skiing on the FIS race trails in the Flüela Valley, where Dario Cologna once fought for World Cup points. Or leave your tracks through the romantic side valleys. Still not enough? Head off to the night trail. And the best thing is: the network of trails is the largest in Switzerland.

Davos Klosters cross-country ski trail network

The trails are officially open daily from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. There is no trail closing time check.

The cross-country ski trail network in Davos Klosters includes over 100 km of classic trails and 75 km of skating trails of all levels of difficulty. They all have one thing in common: they are perfectly groomed. In addition, you will find a heart trail at the cross-country skiing center in Davos and at the sports center in Klosters, as well as special dog trails along the Landwasser.

Langlaufen auf den Loipen in Davos Klosters

Cross-country ski trail network


  • 74 km of classic-style cross-country ski trails
  • 54 km of skating cross-country ski trails * Separate cross-country ski trails for classic and skating
  • 18.5 km of dog trails
  • 2.5 km of illuminated night-time cross-country ski trails (daily 6.30 p.m. to 9 p.m.)
  • Headlamp runs every Tuesday until 9.00 pm on routes 1 to 8


  • 27 km of classic-style cross-country ski trails
  • 27 km of skating cross-country ski trails
  • 3.1 km of night-time cross-country ski trails (Tuesday and Thursday 9 p.m.)
  • headlamp runs to Alp Garfiun and back are possible on Thursday evenings until 10 pm.
Langlaufen in Davos Klosters mit Dario Cologna

Special dog trails

There are three special dog trails in Davos. The four-legged friends can accompany their owners on the 18.5 kilometer cross-country ski trail. A true nature experience.

Dog owners know only too well that their four-legged friends love to romp around in the snow. However, dogs are often not welcome on cross-country ski trails. This is different in Davos, where there are three specially designated dog trails:

  • Bolgen - Islen
  • Islen - Frauenkirch
  • Frauenkirch - Ara Gadenstatt

Dogs are allowed to accompany their owners on a total of 18.5 kilometers of trails. It doesn't matter if the dogs leave a few paw prints on the trails. The only rule: please be considerate of other cross-country skiers so that using the trail together remains a pleasant experience for everyone.

Langlaufen auf der Hundeloipe in Davos

Former rehabilitation patients

Michael Riklin

'It is a beautiful and very suitable trail. With good care for former patients, it is highly recommended. The care factor seems to me to be an important aspect so that you learn cross-country skiing properly from the beginning and do not overexert yourself physically. This worked out excellently here in Davos.'

Langlaufen auf der Herzloipe in Davos

Christopher Tillmann

"I'm excited about Davos. After just one hour and the valuable input from the cross-country instructor, I was able to master the Herzloipe well. I'm looking forward to spending more cross-country skiing lessons here. It's important to encourage people to exercise. The Herzloipe is perfect for this because it's flat and offers beginners and patients a great experience."

Reha Davos, Langlaufen auf der Herzloipe in Davos

Cross-country skiing is healthy

Some swear by green tea, others by superfoods. If you want to do something good for your body, there is one thing you should do above all else: cross-country skiing. Jan Vontobel, head of cardiology at an der Hochgebirgsklinik Davos, explains why.

Mr Vontobel, have you done any exercise today? Yes. In winter I go to work on cross-country skis. I run from Davos Dorf to Davos Wolfgang – there and back. That's about 40 minutes of exercise. Which, by the way, is in line with the recommendation to exercise for half an hour at least five times a week.

It's difficult to overcome the cold. What sports do you recommend in winter?
Cross-country skiing (laughs). Seriously: I'm always warm, I sweat regularly and can regulate my exertion. Another point: cross-country skiing is easy on the joints because the movements are smooth and there are no impacts. This makes this sport suitable for overweight people or people with arthritis.

Langlaufen auf der Herzloipe in Davos mit JanVontobel (c) EgelmairPhotograph

Is it worth taking it up even if I have not exercised properly for some time?
That’s the ideal time to do so! But don’t start off too ambitiously. You should start slowly if you have not been physically active for some time.

There are two cross-country skiing techniques: classic and skating. Which one would you recommend?
I would recommend classic cross-country skiing to a novice. It lets you exercise in a leisurely way. Real gliding will start as you progress – and you can also regulate your speed. That’s more difficult with the skating technique.

What is your personal preference?
I like both. I have more rhythm using the classic technique and can unwind with a circular exercise loop. However, I push my body to the limits when skating.

What reason would you give for taking up cross-country skiing?
Getting started is easy, possibly on the “Heart Trail” in Davos. It’s a short, flat circular loop. This trail is ideal for cross-country novices and for anyone who wants to strengthen their heart. The”Heart Trail” opened in Davos last winter.

“Einem Anfänger empfehle ich das klassische Langlaufen. Der Einstieg ist einfach, beispielsweise auf der Herzloipe in Davos.”

What was the reason for its opening?
I’ve been working in the Davos High Alpine Hospital for several years. Most of my patients have done no exercise for some time. It’s essential to find out in therapy which type of sport they most enjoy. Cross-country skiing is ideal which is why I campaigned for the “Heart Trail”.

From around what stage do you see initial training success?
Very quickly. It’s worth having two hour’s of expert tuition. After a week of regular training, a novice has learned enough to have fun cross-country skiing. People quickly start enjoying their physical well-being and the good feeling of having been outside in the sunshine doing exercise.

Has the new trail paid off?
Yes, there’s a lovely story to illustrate this: A patient was referred to me who had undergone a heart transplant some 15 years ago. It was clear that he needed a new heart because of his poor condition. When he heard about the opening of the new “Heart Trail”, he definitely wanted to take part. He was thrilled when we organised a cross-country instructor for him and put together a personalised programme for him and suddenly he is motivated to have a second heart transplant.

Langlaufen auf der Herzloipe in Davos mit Jan Vontobel

Any other experiences with the Davos “Heart Trail”?
Our patients are curious and disappointed if they are initially told that they are not allowed to head out onto the trail – and have to leave it for a year. That’s why we offer regular events to which we also invite former patients to motivate them to take up cross-country skiing. The feedback hasbeen massive. but there are also worries.

Are these worries justified?
Statistically seen, there is more chance of something happening when you’re exercising than when doing nothing. However, these are mainly minor accidents. There is only a small risk of something happening when you’re cross-country skiing. In the event of an emergency, staff at the “Hofmänner Sport” cross-country shop are trained in resuscitation. And there are also defibrillators at the cross-country centre.

From around what stage do you see initial training success?
Very quickly. It’s worth having two hour’s of expert tuition. After a week of regular training, a novice has learned enough to have fun cross-country skiing. People quickly start enjoying their physical well-being and the good feeling of having been outside in the sunshine doing exercise.

And finally: what hints would you give our readers to take away with them?
It’s never too late to take up exercise. Anyone who does not have a chronic disease and can climb up two flights of stairs with ease should simply try it. Preferably cross-country skiing on the Davos “Heart Trail”.

“Das Risiko, dass während dem Langlaufen etwas geschieht, ist klein. ”

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