Bike transport

So convenient
Bike-Transport in Davos Klosters

Convenient access to the best trails

In Davos Klosters, the mountain railways, the bike shuttle and the Rhaetian Railway are part of the permanent mountain bike offering.

Mountain bikes can be transported on a total of six funiculars and cable cars. They make the ascent to the start of the trail easier. All downhill routes, except the freeride piste from Gotschnaboden to Klosters, are shared with hikers.

  • Bike-Transport
  • Transport aufs Weissfluhjoch

Bike-Transport Schatzalp

Tickets for the Schatzalpbahn are not valid on the Davos Klosters Mountains railways. Only the official road may be used between Strelapass and Schatzalp. Riding on the newly created hiking trail on the ridge to Schiatobel is prohibited. Riding outside of the marked paths is strictly prohibited in the entire Schatzalp/Strela area.

  • The Schatzalp funicular does not issue day tickets for people or bikes.
  • Single trip bike transport: CHF 5

Important information

The Schatzalpbahn does not transport downhillers.

Rates for bike transport Davos Klosters Mountains

The fee is waived if you stay overnight in a bike hotel (only when booking directly via the bike hotel website).

  • Single ride one section: CHF 10
  • Single ride two sections: CHF 16
  • Day ticket: CHF 21
  • Summer season pass: CHF 160

Bike pass Davos Klosters Mountains
For Jakobshorn, Parsenn, Gotschna, Rinerhorn, Madrisa

Freeride piste Klosters
Transport rates for Gotschna freeride piste

Bike-Shuttle Davos

  • Shuttle service from Bike Academy at Davos Dorf train station
  • Min. CHF 40 or CHF 10 per person: trip to Tschuggen
  • Min. CHF 60 or CHF 15 per person: trip to Flüela Hospiz or Dürrboden Dischma
  • Individual travel times
Bike-Shuttle Davos

TGIF Run with friends

"THANK GOD IT'S FRIDAY" RUN means ringing in the weekend with friends on an after-work tour with the bike shuttle. This is how a real bike weekend should start.

  • When: Beginning of June, every Friday. First shuttle at 5 p.m., second shuttle at 6 p.m.
  • Where: Trip to the Fluelatal to Tschuggen for CHF 15 per person or trip to Fluela Hospiz for CHF 20 per person
  • Trail: The trail from the Flüelapass/Tschuggen down to the Davos bike park provides just the right flow to ring in the bike weekend.
  • Register by phone with Gotschna Taxi: +41 81 420 20 20

Gotschna Taxi


Landstrasse 214


+41 81 420 20 20


Rhaetian Railway

Whether you want to go from Klosters back to Davos or from Filisur to Klosters - the Rhaetian Railway is a wonderful option. There are special luggage carts for loading bikes. Guests are asked to load their bikes quickly so that the loading time does not cause delays. Transport is only available if there are enough free bike spaces. With the Davos Klosters Inclusive offer, the RhB route from Klosters via Davos to Filisur is free. A fee is only charged for bike transport:

Albula Strecke RhB Rätische Bahn Zug Sommer

Advance reservation for groups

For the routes from Klosters via Davos to Filisur, this is required for groups of ten or more people.

Rhätische Bahn AG

Talstrasse 4

Davos Platz

+41 81 288 32 50


RhB tariffs for bike transport

With the Davos Klosters Inclusive offer, the RhB route from Klosters via Davos to Filisur is free. A fee is only charged for bike transport:

Bike day pass
CHF 14
Bike multi-day ticket (6 days)
CHF 84
graubündenPass Bike 1 zone
CHF 45
graubündenPass Bike 1 zone with Halbtax
CHF 35
graubündenPass Bike all zones
CHF 65
graubündenPass Bike all zones with Halbtax
CHF 50

Short-distance tickets at the normal rate in 2nd class or at half price in 2nd class for GA, Swiss Travel System, Half-Fare, children up to 16 years.

Prices subject to change

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