Usage rights
Images provided by the Davos Destinations Organisation (Cooperative), referred to as «DDO», are subject to the following terms of use:
- The following copyright information must be used for every image obtained and published by DDO: "Photo: Destination Davos Klosters/name of photographer". The copyright information must be noted directly in/next to the image (information such as zvg is not permitted).
- The photos may not be altered.
- The media and third parties may only use the images obtained from DDO as part of reports in connection with Destination Davos Klosters.
- DDO cooperative members and service providers who use the Destination Davos Klosters web service are only permitted to use the images obtained from DDO for purely tourist purposes and related advertising for Destination Davos Klosters.
- The use of the images obtained from DDO for any other purpose (in particular advertising, cover images of brochures, subjects for websites and use for purposes other than those defined here) is prohibited unless express written permission has been given.
- Use for advertising is generally possible, but is subject to a fee. The image fee is agreed directly with the photographer.
- Any further use of the images obtained from DDO requires the prior written consent of DDO and the conclusion of a contract with the photographer(s) concerned, in which the specific use of the image and the fee for this are regulated.
- Any improper use of images obtained from DDO will be punished with civil and criminal measures in accordance with Art. 61ff of the Copyright Act.