Event Locality
Roffler Metallbau, Klosters
Doggilochstrasse 30
7250 Klosters
TASTENTAGE / Kulturgesellschaft Klosters
Postfach 154
7250 Klosters
This trio refutes the notion that samba & punk, electro & free jazz, psychedelic & pop have nothing to do with each other with synthesizers and analogue sound generators such as a Hammond B3 from grandma's time - unconventionally wired and sometimes played in a way that is alienated from its intended purpose. The trio creates a sound with strong grooves, bluesy inserts and jazzy lines that provide danceable surprises and casual catchy tunes beyond the genre pigeonholes.
Gemeinde Klosters
Kulturfonds Klosters
Kulturkommission Prättigau
Kulturförderung Graubünden
Various foundations, companies and private individuals
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+41 81 415 21 88
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Please note: we respond to your questions during opening hours of the tourist office .