Event Locality
Klosters und Umgebung
7250 Klosters
Bahnhofstr. 11
7250 Klosters
10-12h Tenniscamp in the morning: Tennis 1.5 h, Soccer, Hockey, etc.
13-16h Adventure afternoon: Madrisa Kinderlandland, Minigolf, Bowling, Tabletennis, Billard, Flipper, Golf, Eaulala , Climbing, Archery, Badminton, Squash, Indoor-Golf, Adventure Park, Summersledging , Cinema, Village-Rally, Barbecue Tour, etc.
Costs: from CHF 15.00 per hour.
Set up a contact for our phone number
+41 81 415 21 88
Write your question directly via WhatsApp.
Please note: we respond to your questions during opening hours of the tourist office .