From mid-May to mid-October, the shapers of the Trail Crew Davos are on the move daily on the numerous trails of the destination Davos Klosters. They maintain each trail at least twice a year, and more frequently on heavily frequented routes. And that's not all: the Trail Crew's work also prevents erosion and landscape damage, builds bridges and stream crossings, shovels away landslides or installs fence passageways.
In addition to the craft work, the Trail Crew discusses a lot with landowners, farmers, railway workers, bikers and hikers. Because only then we know what is important and where something can be improved. Whether bikers, hikers or trail runners, a well-maintained path makes every guest happy.
Where are you on the road most often?
We are tireless on the signposted routes. There are sections that require a little more attention from us. These include, for example, the trail from Jakobshorn to Sertig or the Meierhof trail. Especially when there is scree, we regularly reach for the shovel. There's no getting around it (laughs).
How did the Trail Crew Davos come about?
The Trail Crew came into being on the initiative of Destination Davos Klosters in 2013. It is financed by the mountain railways, the municipality of Davos and Destination Davos Klosters.
What can bikers particularly look forward to this summer?
There is a trail from Maienfelder Furrga to Stafelalp that we optimised last year. This trail offers a lot of flow, but is demanding in terms of fitness. The compensation for the effort comes at the latest at Stafelalp, where bikers can enjoy local specialities and local specialities and a cool après-bike beer. Another tip: the Davos bike shuttle. It takes mountain bikers to the desired starting point and is also very suitable for a "sunset ride" after work.
The trail described is particularly suitable for experienced bikers - what do you recommend for newcomers?
A visit to the side valleys of Dischma and Sertig. Or the route via Wolfgang to Klosters and then a leisurely ride on the Rhaetian Railway back to Davos.
Your personal preference: flowy or blocked?
Both. I like to ride flowy trails for a day. But after that I long for more technically demanding tours again. For me, variety is important. And Davos Klosters offers exactly this mix.
Your insider tip?
I like to take advantage of the unique public transport services in our region and often plan cross-destination tours - e.g. from Alvaneu to the Furcletta, through the Welschtobel and then back to Davos via the Maienfelder Furgga. The tour is simply a dream!
What does the Trail Crew wish for the future?
To continue to have many outdoor lovers, hikers and bikers on our trails. The most important thing for me is respectful cooperation. And bikers who take care of nature, ride on the designated trails and respect the forest, meadows and private property. In short: We love bikers who are fit for the fair trail.
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