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Guyan + Co. AG

Promenade 85, 7270 Davos Platz

Welcome to GUYAN, your leading property company in the heart of Davos, in the picturesque canton of Graubünden. We are proud to offer you a comprehensive range of property services aimed at meeting your residential and investment needs.
Our expertise extends to property rentals and sales as well as professional property management and valuation. At GUYAN, we understand the uniqueness of each property and the individual requirements of each client. That's why we use our in-depth knowledge and years of experience to develop customised solutions that meet your needs. 
Our local expertise and our commitment to customer satisfaction make us your reliable property partner. Let us realise your property dreams together.

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+41 81 415 21 88


Write your question directly via WhatsApp.

Please note: we respond to your questions during opening hours of the tourist office .

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